Looking After Your Personal Brand Image

OK - be honest with me now. If I was to photograph you right now would this be the very best version of you? Would this be the image that you would want the world to see. Is this the ideal brand you? Or is this the COVID you?

Looking Your Best?     Wayne & Waynetta Slob from  Harry Enfield & Chums - BBC TV

Looking Your Best? Wayne & Waynetta Slob from Harry Enfield & Chums - BBC TV

I know, we’re living in strange times. I put on a pair of jeans the other day and it felt like I was getting dressed for a ball! So accustomed have I become to wearing shorts and T-shirts (and hoodies in the recent cooler days). But if I’m getting on a Zoom call I may make a bit more effort, I may tidy up the office behind me, or better still put on a branded virtual background. And I’ll check to see that I’m not wearing any of my lunch.

Not everyone gets this right.


And I suspect most of you do this too, the hair may be a bit bigger than you’d like. Make-up may be a hurried affair. The beard or grey roots may be a little out of control. But you still probably have a thought to what others will think of you… and this is your concern about your our own Brand Image.

This is not a COVID only thing and yet I see that many of you still have really poor profile pictures on your company or LinkedIn accounts - this is the equivalent of jumping on a Zoom call to a client in your pyjamas. First impressions really do count and if you are not making the most of those milliseconds you could be really missing out.

We’re Here To Help!

We’d love to help. And we have a few options for you.

  1. Come to our studio in Ryde for a professional headshot session. Investment is from just $200.

  2. Let me come to you or meet you in your office or an outdoor space.

  3. Let me come to your business and photograph the whole team. A consistent brand image across your entire organisation shows a company that has shared values, teamwork and a great culture.

  4. While I’m there, let me photograph your workspace, your team at work, demonstrations of your products and services. Update the images on your website and marketing collateral - show the world your expertise, your professionalism and your passion.

Square Headshot Flyer.jpg

We are fully open again and taking bookings for the rest of the year, please get in touch to discuss how we can help you build your brand image.