The importance of a great headshot.

Human beings are visual creatures, our brains are simply wired that way. Visual communication goes back thousands of years, evidenced by cave paintings from our ancestors, and this continues to be the most effective form of communication.

In fact of all the information that we take into our brains 90% of it is visual. And more importantly, people are more likely to remember things that they see, up to 80%, compared to the 20% of what they read or the 10% of what they hear.

Man armed folded headshot against white background
Professional headshot of man taken in restaurant

So when you hear the old adage “A picture speaks a thousand words” it really is true. Actually it’s a lot more than that especially when you consider that the human brain can process an entire image in as little as 13 milliseconds which is an incredible 60,000 times faster than text! (source:MIT)

So, with that in mind, it’s easy to see why first impressions are so important and in particular why it is vital to have a good quality professional headshot. Your headshot is often the first time that people will see you, whether this is on LinkedIn or elsewhere. So it’s vital to make that great first impression.

brunette lady professional headshot against grey background
Middle aged man relaxed portrait against dark background

So what does your current profile picture say about you? Do you look confident, approachable and likeable? We can help you with that at Corporate Imagery. We pride ourselves in being able to get the very best out of everybody we photograph, our sessions are relaxed and fun environments allowing your personality to shine through.

So, get in touch today to find out how we can help you create that great first impression. We cater for individuals and for organisations of any size.