Looking forward to a great year.


As the fires burn around us here in Australia, it would be easy to begin 2020 in a pessimistic mood. But as a small business owner I feel excited and optimistic about the year ahead.

2019 was a big transitional year for my business. We saw the launch of Corporate Imagery which has been a great success. The goals now are to build on that and to grow that business, and there are 4 key pillars to that for me;

  • Scratch Backs.

  • Own Local

  • Turn Heads

  • Give Back

SCRATCH BACKS - through collaborations and partnerships.

If you’d asked me when I started what I thought my biggest sources of business would be I think way down the list would have been my fellow professional photographers but that is what has been the case. We have developed great relationships with other photographers as well as videographers, event managers and venues which has been beneficial for all our businesses. And its these collaborations and others like them that I see as being the backbone for any future success.I’m looking forward to growing these relationships further and adding to them.

I will continue to attend my BX Networking breakfasts, so many bright business owners and entrepreneurs looking to connect and help each other along. I know that I can’t do this alone and it’s great to have that support.

OWN LOCAL - be the lord of your own backyard

I think too many of us cast our nets too far and wide when starting out in business, I certainly fell into that trap - offering too many services and not being focussed enough. My clients come from all over Sydney and Australia and will continue to do so however I don’t think I have given enough attention to my local area.

I’m lucky to live very close to some of the most vibrant business communities in Sydney in Macquarie Park, Ryde and Homebush and am excited to work with even more businesses in the area. Additionally, I will continue to grow my involvement in local business chambers, and aim to increase my time and investment in local area marketing as a key priority.

TURN HEADS - be the best at what I do.

I love what I do and think I’m pretty good at it. There’s no greater feeling than when people compliment me on my work. But I know I can get better and I will find more time this year to get out there more to photograph this still beautiful country, to hone my craft and my skills. I’ll hit the books, spend far too much time watching youtube photoshop tutorials, attend seminars and workshops and just aim to keep getting better.


I also would like to give back a bit more this year. Starting with an involvement in Project Recapture, an initiative by the Australian professional photographic community to help out these affected by the bushfires and to thank those that have volunteered to keep us all safe.

So what are your objectives for the year?

I wish you all a safe, happy and successful 2020 and would love the opportunity to work and collaborate with you where we can.
