Event Case Study - ANZAP

We had the honour recently of photographing the annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontists. This took place at the beautiful Sofitel Hotel in Darling Harbour.

Wide shot of conference auditorium

Our key objectives for the job were to capture the key moments and speakers of the event as well as, crucially, to get a group of all 125 attendees at the start of the lunch break. This second part created a challenge, the room that they were holding the conference in could not possibly accomodate such a group shot and unfortunately the Sofitel does not have one of those beautiful sweeping staircases for the job.

I actually did a recce mission a few days earlier for the one and saw that there was a space at the nearby ICC that may just about fit them in. To be sure I even mocked up a photo in photoshop with 125 larger peopel in just to be sure! (this is the level of commitment you get when you hire Corporate Imagery!)

Group photo of delegates on steps of ICC

The day itself went well with some very engaging speakers, although a few too many images of dental surgery on the giant screens for my gentle soul.

For this conference each speaker was on for a fairly long time, this allowed us to take shots of each and then be able to quickly upload and basically edit the images to be able to send to the client as we went. As a result of this they were able to update their socials as we went during the day. Increasingly our event clients are needing highlight images as soon as possible so its great to be able to offer this service when the schedule allows.

Speakers in action.

To end the day we photographed their awards dinner and even set up a media wall type scenario for some group shots.

Please get in touch if we can help you with any events that you are planning. We cover functions of any size from roundtable discussions to multi day conferences with hundreds of attendees.