The Power of an Image.

I, like many, have been consuming huge amounts of media coverage recently surrounding the horrendous situation in Ukraine. This is not a political blog suffice to say I hope for a swift and peaceful resolution.

However it has become even more obvious over these weeks o just how powerful an image can be in telling a story. This image in particular really stopped me in my tracks.

Ukrainian father says farewell to 5 year old child ©Associated Press

This is the job of photographers, to tell stories through images. We can get caught up in the tiny details of our jobs, the equipment, the techniques, the lighting, the poses, the expressions… and yes these are necessary.., but sometimes it’s easy to lose track of what it is that we are trying to convey.

Technically, this is not perfect photo. But, if like me, it made you stop and really consider the plight of this poor family then in that way it is perfect. How one image can convey such emotion and heartbreak is incredible, it’s an astonishingly powerful image.